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Iran Executes Political Prisoner - Mostafa Salehi - Arrested in 2017 Nationwide Protests

Political prisoner Mostafa Salehi was arrested in Isfahan, central Iran, for participating in the nationwide December 2017 protests in the city of Kahrizsang.

He was wrongly accused of killing a member of the Revolutionary Guards using a “hunting rifle” during the protests.

Iran's judiciary’s Mizan News Agency reported: “Mostafa Salehi, who had murdered Sajad Shahsanayi with a bullet during the riots of (December 2017-January 2018), was executed this morning upon the request of the victim’s family”.

Mr Salehi had constantly denied the charges raised against him of killing the member of the regime’s IRGC Basij forces. The 30-year-old construction worker pleaded not guilty to murder and was acquitted of the charges nearly one year after his arrest. However, a close source to Mr Salehi's relatives stated that: “Under pressure from IRGC intelligence, the case was reopened and he was sentenced to death”.

“He is innocent, he was forced to confess in front of the camera against himself, he did not plead guilty in court, there was no evidence. They executed him at the request of Shahsanayi’s family,” the source added.

The Iranian regime's Revolutionary Guards often influence judiciaries to overrule decisions in their favour at the cost of countless innocent lives.


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